
Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 7, 2012 - I feel like a ping pong ball

Before I get to my post, if you read my last post (October 4) before I edited it today please go back and look at it to see what I removed and please don't discuss what was removed.  The problem is not what I posted but what non-family members posted somewhere else (the beauty of my blog is I can delete comments that are inappropriate - and I will, but haven't had to) which got read by someone and then passed on as "we are so sorry to hear about..." (this is how it was told to me when I was asked to remove the post).  I am able to be transparent in my blog with things related to Gretchen, Peter, and me because I know explicitly what can and can't be talked about.  When I post about my family in Washington I give just enough information to allow people to pray intelligently unless I have specific permission to give out details.

One more thing: Remember, if you post anything on the internet it is public (regardless of settings, all it takes is one person copying and pasting...) and it is permanent, even if you come back in a couple days and delete it (I look up old versions of things all the time).

Gretchen is doing quite well these days, except when she has memory issues.  I frequently kid her about being a 4.7 year old in a 47 year old body because I have to follow her around to make sure I know where she put things so we can find things later.  She frequently tells me how frustrating it is with her memory going in and out.  She is trying to do some things around the house and that is good.

When Gretchen sings (in church or with the radio/CD) sometimes I can hear her old voice and sometimes there is no umpf behind it.  I am pretty sure this is related to the memory but it is maddening for Gretchen and  she looks forward to getting it under control.

One good thing that is hard to notice is the shakiness in her hands is starting to diminish.  She had some shakiness before when trying to do detail things and I think that is about back to normal.

Please continue to pray for Gretchen's memory and her attitude (it has been good in spite of frustrations).  Also pray for me as I deal with this and things on the other side of the country.

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