
Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 16, 2012

Okay, so I never did an update last night.

Gretchen has been enjoying her new found dining pleasure in "soft" foods.  She really enjoys chewing the food instead of slurping it down.  I miss the wallpaper paste jokes but I guess I don't need them. 

Today we made a decision to take our dog down to visit Gretchen.  Tasha is a husky/somethingorother mix with one brown and one blue eye.  She is generally well behaved but if Gretchen is around Tasha gets away with a lot so I didn't think it was a good idea to even try to bring her inside.  Gretchen's sister from out of town (along with two of her boys from town) was visiting when we arrived so I had her bring Gretchen down to the "park" so Tasha didn't have to wait in the car (she is well behaved unless people come by and then - since she is a people dog - she tries to either get out or get them in).  I was waiting near the door and Tasha heard/saw them coming through the entry (there are 3 sliding doors that all open differently - makes me feel like Maxwell Smart coming into Control).  I don't know who was more excited, Gretchen or Tasha.

It was a good visit but when her sister and nephews (and niece who arrived later) got ready to leave Gretchen insisted on standing up to give each of them a hug (she's supposed to have staff help when she gets up).  I knew what she wanted when she was trying to get up and told her she was going to get me in trouble.  She got very sad and weepy and so I encouraged her about her progress.

After a few minutes of talking we noticed her parents walking toward us across the parking lot.  As they got closer they were joined by a friend from high school (maybe earlier, I can't remember now) who is now a pastor at a local church (not quite local enough for us).  It was a wonderful, brief, visit (Gretchen insisted on standing to give him a hug - and then she stood the whole time - I am sooooooo in trouble with the staff).

Gretchen was getting warm so she and her parents went back inside and Gretchen's friend walked back to the parking lot with Peter, Tasha, and me.  We talked as we walked and when he found out which church we were in he insisted that his church would assist our church in helping us with what we need since our church is small.  Our church has helped, and helped in ways that have humbled me (we joined this church because we felt God called us there because they needed us but their love and care during this time has shamed my feeble giving) but Gretchen's recovery could take a long time before we are able to easily manage.  Besides, we have many friends in that church and others (many of them have known Gretchen since she was a child).

Since we needed milk and I wanted to see Gretchen again (so did Peter, he just didn't want to spend more time in the car, but he went along) we decided to make a Siskin run after dinner.  We got down there and found that we weren't needed.  Gretchen had 5 guests in her room before Peter and I arrived!  Her sister was there (she was freshening the flowers), her parents, and two wives of retired Covenant faculty.  We said hello and goodbye, told Gretchen to call us before bed, and left them to their party.  Gretchen wanted to get up and I told her she needed to get help since she was inside where the staff might notice.

If they don't put up a sign limiting us to two visitors tomorrow I am thinking about telling people they can visit during visiting hours.  I would recommend the 5:30pm - 7:30pm range because she does get tired (visiting hours are 5 - 9 during the week but sometimes dinner isn't served until 5).  Touch base a day or two ahead of your visit with me, her sister, or her parents so that we don't wind up with a bunch of people picking the same time to visit.

Tomorrow they do a new therapy assessment on Gretchen.  Pray for wisdom on the part of the therapists.

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