Five years ago our lives were changed!
On August 12, 2012, during the morning church service, a "tumor" in the middle of Gretchen's brain ruptured. Looking back at the timeline I can see God directing events to take her to the brink of death and bring her back (any deviation would most likely have killed her).
While she was in emergency surgery in the exam room I prayed that God would let her live but if her life would be worse after this then take her (she had suffered much already in this life). He let her live, and Peter and I are grateful!
So, five years later, is life better or worse? Neither. Life is different now. We have traded one set of problems for a different, perhaps larger, set of problems BUT we have received so many blessings that they easily offset the problems.
We have also seen God work in ways that we never would have imagined at the time. Not the least of which is Gretchen's ministry to other folks who are hurting.
Looking back, do I wish that it hadn't happened? NO! Even now, there is no way I would choose this course on my own - no one would - but I would willing go where God directed, without question.
The biggest difference I see in the last five years is more of a willingness to go where God leads, even if it might be painful. Many "Christians" teach that God doesn't want us suffering in this life. They are so wrong! If you only drink the best nectar you will quickly forget how good it is. But if you must spend time drinking brackish water and you get a drink of mountain spring water it becomes better than the best nectar.
Looking forward I do not see our struggles changing for the better. I suspect Gretchen's insomnia will always be there, it may get better but we will always have to guard her from too much "stress" (even fun things can be stressful for her). And life will be changing again in the next few years as Peter enters college and then begins a career in aviation (that will not be easy on Gretchen).
Please continue to pray for Gretchen. Healing would be nice, but we pray for strength to walk the path that God has set is on. If healing is not a part of that path we do not want it.
Pray for Peter. He is close to becoming a pilot AND entering his senior year of high school AND finishing up his Eagle rank in Scouts AND taking over running the Young Eagles program in our EAA Chapter AND... you get the picture.
Pray for me. I feel inadequate to the job God has set me to and I have not found someone to meet with to talk/study/recharge to help me be the husband/father/employee that I need to be so that God is glorified through my life.
As a FB friend of Gretchen may I suggest you try reading for the late Bud Powell's wisdom, and on FB Jay Younts of Spartanburg, SC could be a blessing to you, as you fight the good fight. They have been a help to me, and Gretchen has been a blessing to me also.